
Senin, 01 Desember 2014

need analysis ESP for Nurse in pematangsiantar


1.      Introduction
1.1.    Background
The following need analysis is designed to get information from the subject analyzed. Need analysis is very important before designing teaching materials for English Specific Purpose. This need analysis is designed for nurses who work in hospitals.
In fact, nurse is an important occupation in human life. Their work place that makes them must meet many people in their daily activities. Communication between nurses and patients are also important for them. The good communication makes the patient comprehend on the nurses purpose. Additionally, hospital as the nurses work place often we find many words using English such as in medicine names, name of medical machine or the name of disease. For those reason, the study aims at exploring the learning needs of 35 nurses who work in different hospitals in Pematangsiantar.  Most of the nurses we observed have studied English before but they never practiced it in their daily activities. Therefore, this needs analysis is aim to find out their needs if they are given the chances to improve their English in an English course.
In addition to collect the data, we go to the several hospitals and policlinics in Pematangsiantar to get the data analyzed from the nurses’ work place. For getting the significant data we are expressly observed many hospital and policlinics. The hospitals and policlinics that we are observed are Harapan Hospital at Farel Pasaribu St, Horas Insani Hospitals at Medan St, General Hospital of Pematangsiantar at Sutomo St, Balimbingan Hospital, Goverment Policlinic Batu IV, Elisabeth St. Batam, Atma Jaya, Selangor Medical centre, Dr. Margaret clinic, and Mutiara Merda Clinic in Medan. The reason why we choose those places because we have access to go there and some of them are friends of ours. We also have some friends outside the area. We choose them in order to get different perspectives.
Need analysis in this study is categorized as target situation analysis, present situation analysis, strategy analysis, deficiency analysis, constraint analysis, pedagogic need analysis, and subjective need analysis (Lowi, 2009). Based on these criteria, then the need analysis for nurses who wants to improve their English is divided in two sections.
In the first section is the questionnaire form, here the participants are given the questionnaire form to be filled in. the questions mainly about the participants present situation about English and about what the participants wants from the course. The questions in this questionnaire are designed as simple as possible so that it is easy to understand by the participants. We consider that most of the participants are not familiar in English and have no interest in improving their English because of many reasons such as they never find foreign patients who force them to use English as their communication, they just cure local patient. Based on the reasons, most of the questions are merely designed in order to find out the TSA, PSA, and LSA of the participants.
In the second section is the talk section. In this section we have time to talk with the participants personally to know what is their motivation and the expectations on how to improve their English. This section is informally, we do not arrange questions to be answered, we just share each other for the purpose to be more comprehensive about their wants.
The findings describe the real needs of students of ESP for nurses used in non-English speaking countries. The result are very significant for designers of ESP of various filed for they reflect the real needs for nurses. It is suggested that English textbooks for nurses should be based on the Need Analysis by ESP designers.

1.2.   Objective of this Need Analysis
The objectives of this need analysis are:
a)        For Nurses
ü  To help the nurses find their real needs in learning English as specific purpose.
ü  To help the nurses comprehend what skills that they need in their purpose improving their English.
b)        For ESP teachers
ü  To help the teacher comprehend in what condition the nurses use English for the right solution.
ü  To help the teachers comprehend what the nurses feel when they study English.
ü  To help to teachers comprehend what skills that the nurses is needed in learning English for the purpose improving their English.
ü  To help the teachers to know what kind of texts and methods are needed for the nurses.

2.        List name of participants
In this need analysis we are observed 35 participants.
1.      Risty Liani                                   :  Mutiara Merda Clinic Medan
2.      Friska Natalia Barus                     : Balimbingan Hospital
3.      Febrina Tiomas Simatupang         : dr. Margaret Clinic
4.      Lindawaty Ritonga                      : Selangor medical centre
5.      Femi Sabrina                                : Government Clinic Perumnas Batu IV
6.      Neny Sitindaon                            : Harapan Hospital
7.      Rosdianti Sinaga                         : Harapan Hospital
8.      Elisa Silalahi                                 : Harapan Hospital
9.      Riama Sitinjak                              : Harapan Hospital
10.  Healthy Panjaitan                         : Harapan Hospital
11.  Hotlan Manurung                         : Harapan Hospital
12.  Friska sinaga                                : Harapan Hospital
13.  Lenny Hutapea                            : Harapan Hospital
14.  Sri Dewi Ginting                          : Harapan Hospital
15.  Lidia                                             : Harapan Hospital
16.  Rena Panjaitan                             : Harapan Hospital
17.  Darmagina Siallagan                    : Horas Insani Hospital
18.  Sanny Simbolon                           : Horas Insani Hospital
19.  Valentine Situmorang                  : Horas Insani Hospital
20.  Incani Sitinjak                              : Horas Insani Hospital
21.  Violin Silalahi                              : Horas Insani Hospital
22.  Devi Lumbanhgaol                      : Horas Insani Hospital
23.  Tuti lestari                                    : Horas Insani Hospital
24.  Hesty Simanjuintak                      : General Hospital P. Siantar
25.  Junita Sianipar                              : General Hospital P. Siantar
26.  Magdalena Munthe                      : Gerenal Hospital P. Siantar  
27.   Yolanda Malau                           : General Hospital P. Siantar
28.  Cevenly tampubolon                    : General Hospital P. Siantar
29.  Hernita                                         : General Hospital P. Siantar
30.  Enri                                              : General Hospital P. Siantar
31.  Rini susanti manurung                 : General Hospital P. Siantar
32.  Bertha Simamora                         : Atma Jaya
33.  Beatrix Sinurat                             : St.Elisabeth - Batam
34.  Fr. Markus Rindi                          : St. Elisabeth - Medan
35.  Hana Rosita Purba                       : dr. Margaret Clinic

3.        Conclusion
1.        Have you ever studied English before?
Ø  from the 35 respondent we are interviewed all of them have studied English before.
2.        How often do you use English at work?
nearly every day
a few times a month
Ø  From the 35 respondents 86%of respondents never use English at work while 14% only use English at work a few time.
3.        Do you use English for the following conditions?
educating patient
explaining drug interaction
giving instructions
explaining laboratory text
patients admission
writing the patients admission form
reading prescription charts
reading patient record
cheking understanding
Ø  From the 35 participants, 83% of the respondents never use for: educating patients, explaining drug interaction, telephone calls, giving instructions, checking understanding, explaining laboratory text, patient admission, writing in the patient admission form, reading prescription chart, reading patient record while 17% respondents use English for explaining drug interaction, telephone calls, giving interaction, etc.

4.        How comfortable are you to learn English at work?
Ø  71% the participants feel comfortable to learn English at work while 29% the participants do not feel comfortable to learn English work they want to learn in their free time.
5.        What skills do you need in learning English?
vocabulary practice
Ø  All the participants need vocabulary practice, speaking, grammar, listening, reading.
6.        What kinds of text do you need in learning English?
explanation text
analytical text
descriptive text
hortatory text
Ø  77,1% need explanation text such as the medicine for cancer, 20% need analytical, and 2,9% need hortatory text such as the effect of consume much cola.
7.        What kinds of method do you want in learning process?

Ø  54% want lecture method in their learning process and 46% want discussion method.

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